NCLEX- RN Practice Exam 9

Practice Mode

Welcome to your NCLEX- RN Practice Exam 9! This exam is carefully curated to help you consolidate your knowledge and gain deeper understanding on the topic.


Exam Details

  • Number of Questions: 40 items
  • Mode: Practice Mode

Exam Instructions

  1. Practice Mode: This mode aims to facilitate effective learning and review.
  2. Instant Feedback: After each question, the correct answer along with an explanation will be revealed. This is to help you understand the reasoning behind the correct answer, helping to reinforce your learning.
  3. Time Limit: There is no time limit for this exam. Take your time to understand each question and the corresponding choices.

Tips For Success

  • Read each question carefully. Take your time and don't rush.
  • Understand the rationale behind each answer. This will not only help you during this exam, but also assist in reinforcing your learning.
  • Don't be discouraged by incorrect answers. Use them as an opportunity to learn and improve.
  • Take breaks if you need them. It's not a race, and your understanding is what's most important.
  • Keep a positive attitude and believe in your ability to succeed.

Remember, this exam is not just a test of your knowledge, but also an opportunity to enhance your understanding and skills. Enjoy the learning journey!


Click 'Start Exam' when you're ready to begin. Best of luck!

💡 Hint

Focus on interventions that will stabilize the infant's condition and improve oxygenation during a cyanotic episode.

1 / 40

1. Nurse Lily is attending to Baby Ryan, who has a diagnosis of tetralogy of Fallot. Suddenly, Baby Ryan turns cyanotic, and his oxygen saturation drops to 60%. What interventions should Nurse Lily perform? (Select all that apply.)

💡 Hint

Consider the age and condition of the client when evaluating the safety and appropriateness of herbal medication use.

2 / 40

2. Nurse Adams is caring for a group of clients who use herbal medications at home. Which client should be advised against taking herbal medications?

💡 Hint

Consider the symptoms related to fluid imbalance and sodium levels that affect blood pressure regulation.

3 / 40

3. Nurse Carter is caring for Mr. Johnson, a client with leukemia, and observes poor skin turgor and flat neck and hand veins. Suspecting hyponatremia, what additional signs might Nurse Carter expect to find if hyponatremia is indeed present?

💡 Hint

Focus on interventions that support eye protection, medication administration, and patient education for recognizing complications.

4 / 40

4. Nurse Jenna is providing post-operative care for Mrs. Lewis, who has recently undergone surgery for retinal detachment. Which nursing interventions are appropriate for Mrs. Lewis during her recovery? (Select all that apply.)

💡 Hint

Consider the type of respirations that occur as the body tries to compensate for severe acidosis.

5 / 40

5. Nurse Parker is caring for Mr. Lewis, who has diabetic ketoacidosis and is noted to be experiencing Kussmaul’s respirations. Based on this observation, what did Nurse Parker most likely notice?

💡 Hint

Think about how the removal of stomach contents through suction can affect the body's acid-base balance.

6 / 40

6. Nurse Wilson is caring for Ms. Thompson, who has a nasogastric tube attached to low suction. Nurse Wilson closely monitors Ms. Thompson for which acid-base disorder that is most likely to develop in this situation?

💡 Hint

Consider the protective equipment required to prevent contamination and ensure safety during the care of a client with an infection.

7 / 40

7. Nurse Morgan is caring for Mr. Allen, who has a healthcare-associated infection caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and is on contact precautions. Nurse Morgan is preparing to perform colostomy care for Mr. Allen. Which protective items are necessary for this procedure?

💡 Hint

Think about the common complications related to calcium levels following thyroid surgery.

8 / 40

8. Nurse Rodriguez is caring for Ms. Taylor, who has just undergone a thyroidectomy. Nurse Rodriguez notes that calcium gluconate has been prescribed for Ms. Taylor. What is the purpose of prescribing this medication?

💡 Hint

Consider positions that minimize pressure on the surgical site and promote proper drainage and alignment post-craniotomy.

9 / 40

9. Nurse Karen is caring for Mr. Johnson, who has just undergone a supratentorial craniotomy to remove a large tumor from the left side of his brain. To ensure his safety and comfort, in which positions can Nurse Karen safely place him? (Select all that apply.)

💡 Hint

Focus on safety measures for both the patient and the healthcare team when handling radiation implants.

10 / 40

10. Nurse Emily is assisting with the care plan for Mrs. Davis, who has an internal radiation implant. As she develops the plan, which actions should be included to ensure safety and proper care? (Select all that apply.)

💡 Hint

Focus on the assessments directly related to the physical well-being and surgery preparation of the client.

11 / 40

11. Nurse Lee is collecting data from Mr. Harris, an African-American client admitted for a hernia repair in the ambulatory care unit. Which aspect of Mr. Harris’s information is of least priority during this data collection?

💡 Hint

Think about which client is at the highest risk and requires the most immediate and constant monitoring.

12 / 40

12. Nurse Davis is planning her rounds for four clients. Which client should she prioritize checking on first?

💡 Hint

Consider the action that could compromise the sterility of the IV line or pose a risk of infection.

13 / 40

13. Nurse Patel is caring for Mr. Lewis, who has a peripheral IV infusion. While providing hygiene care and changing Mr. Lewis's hospital gown, what action should Nurse Patel avoid?

💡 Hint

Think about which action would directly address the client's emotional response to the traumatic event.

14 / 40

14. Nurse Thompson is assigned to care for Mr. Johnson, who was admitted following an injury sustained in a house fire. Mr. Johnson tried to rescue his neighbor, but unfortunately, the neighbor did not survive. To help Mr. Johnson process the crisis, what should Nurse Thompson do?

💡 Hint

Consider symptoms typically associated with chronic bronchitis, focusing on mucus characteristics and respiratory changes.

15 / 40

15. Nurse Sarah is admitting Mr. Thompson, a 55-year-old man suspected of having chronic bronchitis. During the assessment, Nurse Sarah is looking for specific signs that support this diagnosis. Which of the following observations would reinforce the suspicion of chronic bronchitis? (Select all that apply.)

💡 Hint

Consider signs that might indicate complications related to circulation or nerve function within the cast.

16 / 40

16. Nurse Tom is caring for a patient who has been admitted after a tibia fracture repair and cast application. Which assessment finding should Nurse Tom report to the doctor?

💡 Hint

Look for the most objective and measurable indicator of improved nutritional status in a client with bulimia.

17 / 40

17. Nurse Jenna is assessing the nutritional outcomes for an elderly client with bulimia. Which finding would best indicate that the care plan has been effective?

💡 Hint

Consider the immediate threat to the airway in a patient with burns to the face.

18 / 40

18. Nurse Lisa is caring for a patient admitted two hours after suffering facial burns from an explosion. What is Nurse Lisa's primary concern regarding the patient's condition?

💡 Hint

Consider the importance of respecting the parent's decision and the need for involving the healthcare team in the discussion.

19 / 40

19. Nurse Amanda is caring for a 5-year-old patient admitted with a hemoglobin level of 6 g/dL. The physician has ordered a transfusion of 2 units of whole blood. The child's mother expresses her refusal to allow the transfusion due to personal beliefs. What should be Nurse Amanda's most appropriate action?

💡 Hint

Consider the monitoring needed for output and preventing complications associated with magnesium sulfate therapy.

20 / 40

20. Nurse Sarah is caring for a patient with preeclampsia who has been prescribed magnesium sulfate. Which action demonstrates her understanding of the potential side effects of this medication?

💡 Hint

Think about dairy products and their well-known high calcium content.

21 / 40

21. Nurse Emily is advising a 4-month-pregnant client on her nutritional needs. Which option would offer the highest amount of calcium?

💡 Hint

Focus on the potential complications associated with an elevated Protime while on anticoagulant therapy.

22 / 40

22. Nurse Michelle is managing the care of a patient who is on sodium warfarin and has a Protime of 120 seconds. What should be the most crucial intervention included in the nursing care plan?

💡 Hint

Consider the immediate action to prevent air from entering the pleural space and causing complications.

23 / 40

23. Nurse Laura is caring for a patient who had a lung resection two days ago. The patient accidentally dislodges the chest tube. What should Nurse Laura do to properly manage this situation?

💡 Hint

Think about the immediate steps in an emergency situation where a patient is showing signs of severe distress and low blood pressure.

24 / 40

24. Nurse Amy is attending to a patient who has recently undergone a laryngectomy. Suddenly, the patient becomes unresponsive and pale, with a blood pressure reading of 90/40 systolic. What should be Nurse Amy's first action?

💡 Hint

Consider the infection risk associated with fresh produce for a patient with a compromised immune system.

25 / 40

25. Nurse Riley is caring for a patient on the organ transplant unit who has a low white blood cell count. During the evening visiting hours, a family member brings a basket of fruit for the patient. What should Nurse Riley do?

💡 Hint

Think about activities that pose a high risk of injury for someone with fragile bones.

26 / 40

26. Nurse Jamie is conducting a home visit for an 18-year-old patient diagnosed with osteogenesis imperfecta. During the visit, which piece of information would raise the most concern?

💡 Hint

Consider the vital signs and which diagnosis directly addresses the patient's immediate physiological instability.

27 / 40

27. A client is brought into the emergency department following a car accident. During the initial assessment, the nurse notes a blood pressure of 80/34, a pulse rate of 120, and a respiratory rate of 20. What should be the nurse's priority nursing diagnosis for this patient?

💡 Hint

Think about which method provides quantifiable and consistent tracking of changes in the abdomen.

28 / 40

28. Nurse Kelly is monitoring a patient who is at risk for developing ascites. To ensure early detection, Nurse Kelly should utilize the most effective method. Which approach should she use?

💡 Hint

Consider which aspect of health is most directly impacted by the pancreas and essential for overall well-being.

29 / 40

29. Nurse Rachel is caring for a client diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Which nursing diagnosis should be her primary concern?

💡 Hint

Think about which intervention will help to quickly restore the client's blood pressure.

30 / 40

30. Nurse Emma is attending to a client who has chosen epidural anesthesia to manage her labor pain. If the client begins to experience hypotension, what should Nurse Emma do?

💡 Hint

Consider the common effects of magnesium sulfate on the nervous and respiratory systems.

31 / 40

31. Nurse Laura is caring for a client who is receiving intravenous magnesium sulfate. She needs to closely monitor for any side effects associated with this medication. Which side effect is expected with magnesium sulfate therapy?

💡 Hint

Think about which symptom might indicate hypoglycemia in a newborn.

32 / 40

32. Nurse Sarah is monitoring a newborn whose mother has diabetes. Which observation in the newborn would require immediate nursing intervention?

💡 Hint

Focus on the significance of the L/S ratio in relation to fetal lung maturity.

33 / 40

33. Nurse Lily is reviewing the results of an amniocentesis for Maria, a diabetic multigravida at 32 weeks gestation. The L/S ratio is 1:1, and phosphatidylglycerol is present. What should Nurse Lily's assessment of this data be?

💡 Hint

Think about the medication that may not be appropriate due to its potential effects on maternal glucose levels.

34 / 40

34. Nurse Jessica is attending to Emily, a primigravida with diabetes admitted to the labor and delivery unit at 34 weeks gestation. Which doctor's order should Nurse Jessica question?

💡 Hint

Consider the correct position and technique for assessing the reflex located at the front of the elbow.

35 / 40

35. Nurse Karen is evaluating the deep tendon reflexes of Lisa, a client with preeclampsia. Which technique should Nurse Karen use to elicit the biceps reflex?

💡 Hint

Focus on the laboratory finding that indicates liver involvement in HELLP syndrome.

36 / 40

36. Nurse Tina is attending to Sara, a 15-year-old first-time pregnant client, admitted with a tentative diagnosis of HELLP syndrome. Which laboratory finding would confirm the presence of HELLP syndrome?

💡 Hint

Focus on the test that directly detects antibodies specific to Treponema pallidum.

37 / 40

37. Nurse Sam is seeing Anna, a client at the family planning clinic who is suspected of having an STI. To diagnose Treponema pallidum accurately, which diagnostic test should be considered the best option?

💡 Hint

Consider which condition commonly presents with painful blisters in the genital area.

38 / 40

38. Nurse Amy is conducting an initial interview with Laura, a client who reports a lesion on her perineum. Upon further examination, Nurse Amy finds a small, painful blister on Laura's vulva. What is the most likely cause of this lesion?

💡 Hint

Think about the type of cancer most commonly linked to the human papillomavirus (HPV).

39 / 40

39. Nurse Lisa is providing education to Maria, a client diagnosed with HPV. She wants to explain the potential risks associated with this diagnosis. Which condition is Maria most at risk for developing?

💡 Hint

Consider which action ensures that the healthcare team is promptly informed of a potential complication.

40 / 40

40. Nurse Kelly is attending to Julia, a client admitted to the labor and delivery unit in active labor. During the examination, Nurse Kelly observes a papular lesion on Julia's perineum. What should Nurse Kelly's initial action be?

Exam Mode

Welcome to your NCLEX- RN Practice Exam 9! This exam is carefully designed to provide you with a realistic test-taking experience, preparing you for the pressures of an actual nursing exam.


Exam Details

  • Number of Questions: 40 items
  • Mode: Exam Mode

Exam Instructions

  1. Exam Mode: This mode is intended to simulate the environment of an actual exam. Questions and choices will be presented one at a time.
  2. Time Limit: Each question must be answered within 90 seconds. The entire exam should be completed within 60 minutes.
  3. Feedback and Grading: Upon completion of the exam, you will be able to see your grade and the correct answers to all questions. This will allow you to evaluate your performance and understand areas for improvement.

Tips For Success

  • Read each question carefully. You have 90 seconds per question, so make sure you understand the question before selecting your answer.
  • Pace yourself. Remember, you have 60 minutes in total, so try to maintain a steady rhythm.
  • Focus on one question at a time. Try not to worry about the questions to come.
  • Stay calm under pressure. Use your knowledge and trust your instincts.
  • Remember, it's not just about the score, but about the learning process.

This exam is not only a measurement of your current understanding, but also a valuable learning tool to prepare you for your future nursing career. Click 'Start Exam' when you're ready to begin. Good luck!

1 / 40

1. Nurse Wilson is caring for Ms. Thompson, who has a nasogastric tube attached to low suction. Nurse Wilson closely monitors Ms. Thompson for which acid-base disorder that is most likely to develop in this situation?

2 / 40

2. Nurse Lily is attending to Baby Ryan, who has a diagnosis of tetralogy of Fallot. Suddenly, Baby Ryan turns cyanotic, and his oxygen saturation drops to 60%. What interventions should Nurse Lily perform? (Select all that apply.)

3 / 40

3. Nurse Lisa is providing education to Maria, a client diagnosed with HPV. She wants to explain the potential risks associated with this diagnosis. Which condition is Maria most at risk for developing?

4 / 40

4. Nurse Rachel is caring for a client diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Which nursing diagnosis should be her primary concern?

5 / 40

5. Nurse Davis is planning her rounds for four clients. Which client should she prioritize checking on first?

6 / 40

6. Nurse Jenna is providing post-operative care for Mrs. Lewis, who has recently undergone surgery for retinal detachment. Which nursing interventions are appropriate for Mrs. Lewis during her recovery? (Select all that apply.)

7 / 40

7. Nurse Jenna is assessing the nutritional outcomes for an elderly client with bulimia. Which finding would best indicate that the care plan has been effective?

8 / 40

8. Nurse Adams is caring for a group of clients who use herbal medications at home. Which client should be advised against taking herbal medications?

9 / 40

9. Nurse Jessica is attending to Emily, a primigravida with diabetes admitted to the labor and delivery unit at 34 weeks gestation. Which doctor's order should Nurse Jessica question?

10 / 40

10. Nurse Sarah is caring for a patient with preeclampsia who has been prescribed magnesium sulfate. Which action demonstrates her understanding of the potential side effects of this medication?

11 / 40

11. Nurse Laura is caring for a patient who had a lung resection two days ago. The patient accidentally dislodges the chest tube. What should Nurse Laura do to properly manage this situation?

12 / 40

12. Nurse Amy is conducting an initial interview with Laura, a client who reports a lesion on her perineum. Upon further examination, Nurse Amy finds a small, painful blister on Laura's vulva. What is the most likely cause of this lesion?

13 / 40

13. Nurse Karen is evaluating the deep tendon reflexes of Lisa, a client with preeclampsia. Which technique should Nurse Karen use to elicit the biceps reflex?

14 / 40

14. Nurse Thompson is assigned to care for Mr. Johnson, who was admitted following an injury sustained in a house fire. Mr. Johnson tried to rescue his neighbor, but unfortunately, the neighbor did not survive. To help Mr. Johnson process the crisis, what should Nurse Thompson do?

15 / 40

15. Nurse Rodriguez is caring for Ms. Taylor, who has just undergone a thyroidectomy. Nurse Rodriguez notes that calcium gluconate has been prescribed for Ms. Taylor. What is the purpose of prescribing this medication?

16 / 40

16. Nurse Parker is caring for Mr. Lewis, who has diabetic ketoacidosis and is noted to be experiencing Kussmaul’s respirations. Based on this observation, what did Nurse Parker most likely notice?

17 / 40

17. Nurse Karen is caring for Mr. Johnson, who has just undergone a supratentorial craniotomy to remove a large tumor from the left side of his brain. To ensure his safety and comfort, in which positions can Nurse Karen safely place him? (Select all that apply.)

18 / 40

18. Nurse Amanda is caring for a 5-year-old patient admitted with a hemoglobin level of 6 g/dL. The physician has ordered a transfusion of 2 units of whole blood. The child's mother expresses her refusal to allow the transfusion due to personal beliefs. What should be Nurse Amanda's most appropriate action?

19 / 40

19. Nurse Emily is advising a 4-month-pregnant client on her nutritional needs. Which option would offer the highest amount of calcium?

20 / 40

20. A client is brought into the emergency department following a car accident. During the initial assessment, the nurse notes a blood pressure of 80/34, a pulse rate of 120, and a respiratory rate of 20. What should be the nurse's priority nursing diagnosis for this patient?

21 / 40

21. Nurse Tom is caring for a patient who has been admitted after a tibia fracture repair and cast application. Which assessment finding should Nurse Tom report to the doctor?

22 / 40

22. Nurse Tina is attending to Sara, a 15-year-old first-time pregnant client, admitted with a tentative diagnosis of HELLP syndrome. Which laboratory finding would confirm the presence of HELLP syndrome?

23 / 40

23. Nurse Sam is seeing Anna, a client at the family planning clinic who is suspected of having an STI. To diagnose Treponema pallidum accurately, which diagnostic test should be considered the best option?

24 / 40

24. Nurse Michelle is managing the care of a patient who is on sodium warfarin and has a Protime of 120 seconds. What should be the most crucial intervention included in the nursing care plan?

25 / 40

25. Nurse Emma is attending to a client who has chosen epidural anesthesia to manage her labor pain. If the client begins to experience hypotension, what should Nurse Emma do?

26 / 40

26. Nurse Sarah is admitting Mr. Thompson, a 55-year-old man suspected of having chronic bronchitis. During the assessment, Nurse Sarah is looking for specific signs that support this diagnosis. Which of the following observations would reinforce the suspicion of chronic bronchitis? (Select all that apply.)

27 / 40

27. Nurse Sarah is monitoring a newborn whose mother has diabetes. Which observation in the newborn would require immediate nursing intervention?

28 / 40

28. Nurse Lisa is caring for a patient admitted two hours after suffering facial burns from an explosion. What is Nurse Lisa's primary concern regarding the patient's condition?

29 / 40

29. Nurse Riley is caring for a patient on the organ transplant unit who has a low white blood cell count. During the evening visiting hours, a family member brings a basket of fruit for the patient. What should Nurse Riley do?

30 / 40

30. Nurse Jamie is conducting a home visit for an 18-year-old patient diagnosed with osteogenesis imperfecta. During the visit, which piece of information would raise the most concern?

31 / 40

31. Nurse Kelly is attending to Julia, a client admitted to the labor and delivery unit in active labor. During the examination, Nurse Kelly observes a papular lesion on Julia's perineum. What should Nurse Kelly's initial action be?

32 / 40

32. Nurse Carter is caring for Mr. Johnson, a client with leukemia, and observes poor skin turgor and flat neck and hand veins. Suspecting hyponatremia, what additional signs might Nurse Carter expect to find if hyponatremia is indeed present?

33 / 40

33. Nurse Laura is caring for a client who is receiving intravenous magnesium sulfate. She needs to closely monitor for any side effects associated with this medication. Which side effect is expected with magnesium sulfate therapy?

34 / 40

34. Nurse Lily is reviewing the results of an amniocentesis for Maria, a diabetic multigravida at 32 weeks gestation. The L/S ratio is 1:1, and phosphatidylglycerol is present. What should Nurse Lily's assessment of this data be?

35 / 40

35. Nurse Lee is collecting data from Mr. Harris, an African-American client admitted for a hernia repair in the ambulatory care unit. Which aspect of Mr. Harris’s information is of least priority during this data collection?

36 / 40

36. Nurse Emily is assisting with the care plan for Mrs. Davis, who has an internal radiation implant. As she develops the plan, which actions should be included to ensure safety and proper care? (Select all that apply.)

37 / 40

37. Nurse Morgan is caring for Mr. Allen, who has a healthcare-associated infection caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and is on contact precautions. Nurse Morgan is preparing to perform colostomy care for Mr. Allen. Which protective items are necessary for this procedure?

38 / 40

38. Nurse Amy is attending to a patient who has recently undergone a laryngectomy. Suddenly, the patient becomes unresponsive and pale, with a blood pressure reading of 90/40 systolic. What should be Nurse Amy's first action?

39 / 40

39. Nurse Patel is caring for Mr. Lewis, who has a peripheral IV infusion. While providing hygiene care and changing Mr. Lewis's hospital gown, what action should Nurse Patel avoid?

40 / 40

40. Nurse Kelly is monitoring a patient who is at risk for developing ascites. To ensure early detection, Nurse Kelly should utilize the most effective method. Which approach should she use?