Medical Terminology Letter A

a-, an- without, not
ab- away from
abdomin/o abdomen
ablat/o to remove, take away
abrado/o, abras/o to scrape off
abticul/o joint
acanth/o thorny, spiny
acar/o mites
acid/o acid, sour, bitter
acous/o hearing
acoust/o hearing, sound
acr/o extremities
actin/o ray, radiation
acu- needle
acu/o, acut/o sharp, severe
ad- toward, near
aden/o gland
adenoid/o adenoids
adip/o fat
adren/o adrenal glands
aer/o air, gas
agglutin/o clumping
agit/o rapidity, restlessness
-agogue producer, leader
-agra severe pain
alb/o, albin/o white
albumin/o albumin
-algesia, alges/o pain sensitivity
-algia pain
allo- other, different
alveol/o alveolus
ambi- around, on both sides, about
ambly/o dim, dull
ambul/o to walk
ammon/o ammonium
amni/o amnion
amphi- around, on both sides
amyl/o starch
ana- up, backward, against
andr/o male
aneurysm/o aneurysm
angi/o vessel
anis/o unequal
ankyl/o stiff, crooked, bent
an/o anus
anomal/o irregular
ante- before, forward
anter/o front
anthrac/o coal, carbon, carbuncle
anthrop/o man, human being
anti- against
antr/o antrum
-apheresis separation, removal
aphth/o ulcer
apic/o apex
apo- away, separation
aque/o water
arachn/o spider
arch/i, arch/e, -arche first
arteri/o artery
arteriol/o arteriole
arthr/o joint
aspir/o, aspirat/o inhaling, removal
-assay to examine, analyze
-asthenia, asthen/o weakness
astr/o star, star shaped
atel/o incomplete, imperfect
ather/o fatty substance, plaque
atmo- steam, vapor
-atresia closure, occlusion
atreto- closed, lacking an opening
atri/o atrium
audi/o, audit/o hearing
aur/o, auricul/o ear
auscult/o, auscultat/o to listen
auto- self
aux/o growth, acceleration
axill/o armpit
axi/o axis
azot/o nitrogen, urea