Medical Terminology Letter S



sacchar/o sugar
sacr/o sacrum
salping/o fallopian tube
sangu/i, sanguin/o blood
sanit/a health
sap/o soap
sapr/o rotten, decay
sarc/o flesh
scaph/o boat-shaped
scapul/o scapula
scat/o feces
scel/o, -scelia leg
schist/o, -schisis split, cleft
schiz/o split, division
scint/i spark
scirrh/o hard
scler/o sclera
-sclerosis hardening
scolec/o worm
scoli/o crooked, twisted
-scope instrument for visual examination
-scopy visual examination
scot/o darkness
scrib/o, script/o to write
seb/o sebum
-sect to cut
secund/i second
sedat/o to calm
semi- half
semin/i semen
senil/o old, old age
sensor/i sensory
sens/o, sensat/o feeling, perception
-sepsis, septic/o putrefaction, putrifying
sept/o partition
sept-, septi- seven
ser/o serum, serous
sesqui- one and a half
sex- six
sial/o saliva
sicc/o to dry
sider/o iron
sigmoid/o sigmoid colon
silic/o silica, quartz
sinistr/o left
sinus/o, sin/o cavity, sinus
sit/o food
skelet/o skeleton
soci/o social, society
sodi/o compound containing sodium
solut/o dissolved
somat/o body
-some body
somn/i, -somnia sleep
son/o sound
span/o scanty, scarce
-spasm, spasm/o involuntary contraction
spectr/o image, spectrum
sperm/o, spermat/o spermatozoa
sphen/o wedge, sphenoid bone
spher/o round, sphere
sphygm/o pulse
-sphyxia pulse
spin/o spinal cord, spine
spir/o breathe
splanchn/o viscera
splen/o spleen
spondyl/o vertebrae, spinal column
spongi/o spongelike, spongy
spor/o spore, seed
squam/o squamous, scales
-stabile stable, fixed
stahyl/o uvula, grape like clusters
-stalsis contraction
staped/o stapes
-stasis standing still, standing
-stat device/instrument for keeping something stationary
steat/o fat
-stenosis, sten/o narrowed, constricted
stere/o solid, three dimensional
steril/o barren
stern/o sternum
steth/o chest
sthen/o, -sthenia strength
stich/o, -stichia rows
stigmat/o mark, point
stomat/o mouth
-stomy surgical opening
strat/i layer
strept/o twisted, curved
strict/o to tighten, bind
-stroma supporting tissue of an organ
stroph/o twisted
sub- under, beneath
succ/o juice
suct/o to suck
sud/o sweat
sulc/o furrow, groove
super- above, beyond
supra- above, beyond
suspend/o, suspens/o to hang up, suspend
symptom/o occurrence
sym-, syn- with, together
synaps/o, synapt/o point of contact, to join
syndesm/o ligament, connective tissue
synov/o synovia, synovial membrane
syphil/o syphilis
syring/o tube, fistula
system/o system
systol/o contraction