Birth Asphyxia Practice Exam

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1.Very long or difficult delivery could be a cause of birth asphyxia

  1. True
  2. False

2.Research shows that cooling the baby’s internal body temperature to 33.5 degrees C (about 91 degrees F) for up to 72 hours can help protect the baby’s brain from damage during the second stage of asphyxia.

  1. True
  2. False

3.Baby is not breathing or breathing is very weak is a symptom of birth asphyxia

  1. True
  2. False

4.Babies with mild asphyxia at birth are given breathing support until they can breathe well enough on their own, and then are closely monitored.

  1. True
  2. False

5.Muscle tone will be good and the baby will have great reflexes when a baby is born with birth asphyxia.

  1. True
  2. False

6.To control blood pressure and prevent seizures babies with more serious asphyxia may need

  1. CPR
  2. A big hug
  3. mechanical ventilation (a breathing machine), respiratory therapy, fluid and medicine

7.Problems with the _______ separating from the uterus too soon is a cause of birth asphyxia

  1. Umbilical cord
  2. Placenta
  3. Endometrial lining
  4. Amniotic fluid

8.Problems with the_______ during delivery is a cause of birth asphyxia

  1. Umbilical cord
  2. Placenta
  3. Endometrial lining
  4. Amniotic fluid

9. What colour is the baby’s skin when it is born with birth asphyxia

  1. Pink
  2. Bluish or Pale
  3. Yellow
  4. Green

10. One of the following is not the risk factor for sensorineural hearing loss in infant

  1. Severe birth asphyxia
  2. Birth wt less than 1500 gms
  3. Family H/O deafness
  4. TORCH infections
  5. Cleft Palate
Answers and Rationale
  1. A. True
  2. A. True
  3. A. True
  4. A. True
  5. B. False. Muscle tone is poor or reflexes are weak.
  6. C. mechanical ventilation (a breathing machine), respiratory therapy, fluid and medicine
  7. B. Placenta
  8. A. Umbilical cord
  9. B. Bluish or Pale
  10. B. Birth wt less than 1500 gms