NCLEX Practice Exam for Pharmacology: Gastrointestinal Medications

Practice Mode

Welcome to your NCLEX Practice Exam for Pharmacology: Gastrointestinal Medications! This exam is carefully curated to help you consolidate your knowledge and gain deeper understanding on the topic.


Exam Details

  • Number of Questions: 20 items
  • Mode: Practice Mode

Exam Instructions

  1. Practice Mode: This mode aims to facilitate effective learning and review.
  2. Instant Feedback: After each question, the correct answer along with an explanation will be revealed. This is to help you understand the reasoning behind the correct answer, helping to reinforce your learning.
  3. Time Limit: There is no time limit for this exam. Take your time to understand each question and the corresponding choices.

Tips For Success

  • Read each question carefully. Take your time and don't rush.
  • Understand the rationale behind each answer. This will not only help you during this exam, but also assist in reinforcing your learning.
  • Don't be discouraged by incorrect answers. Use them as an opportunity to learn and improve.
  • Take breaks if you need them. It's not a race, and your understanding is what's most important.
  • Keep a positive attitude and believe in your ability to succeed.

Remember, this exam is not just a test of your knowledge, but also an opportunity to enhance your understanding and skills. Enjoy the learning journey!


Click 'Start Exam' when you're ready to begin. Best of luck!

💡 Hint

Consider the potential side effects of antiemetics, such as drowsiness or dizziness, and how they could impact patient safety.

1 / 20

1. Nurse Parker is caring for a patient who is receiving an antiemetic. What is the priority nursing intervention?

💡 Hint

Consider the primary use of Loperamide and in which cases it would help manage stool consistency effectively.

2 / 20

2. Nurse Davis is assessing a patient who has just been prescribed Loperamide hydrochloride (Imodium). In which situation is this medication most appropriately indicated?

💡 Hint

Consider which option works by drawing water into the bowel to stimulate bowel movements, typical of osmotic laxatives.

3 / 20

3. Nurse Mitchell is preparing to administer an osmotic laxative to a patient. Which of the following medications is classified as an osmotic laxative?

💡 Hint

Consider the safety profile of these medications, particularly regarding any history of cardiovascular conditions.

4 / 20

4. Nurse Harris is reviewing the medications for a patient admitted with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) who also has a history of chest pain. Which of the following medications is least likely to be included in the medical management plan for this patient?

💡 Hint

Consider the primary use of Omeprazole, especially in managing conditions related to acid production in the stomach.

5 / 20

5. Nurse Harper is evaluating the effectiveness of Omeprazole (Prilosec) in her patient. Which statement by the patient would indicate that the medication is achieving its therapeutic effect?

💡 Hint

Think about when this medication needs to be taken to form a protective barrier over the ulcer before food intake.

6 / 20

6. Nurse Evans is educating a patient who has been prescribed Sucralfate (Carafate) for a gastric ulcer. How should the nurse instruct the patient to take this medication?

💡 Hint

Consider which option is primarily a stool softener rather than a bulk-forming laxative.

7 / 20

7. Nurse Williams is providing discharge instructions to a patient who has been prescribed a bulk-forming laxative for home use. Which of the following is NOT an example of a bulk-forming laxative?

💡 Hint

Consider how this medication is commonly administered to make it more palatable, and remember its classification as a controlled substance.

8 / 20

8. Nurse Morgan is administering tincture of opium to a patient experiencing severe diarrhea. Which statement about this medication is accurate?

💡 Hint

Think about the primary use of Ondansetron, especially in managing symptoms commonly associated with postoperative care.

9 / 20

9. Nurse Adams is caring for a postoperative patient who has been prescribed Ondansetron (Zofran). For which condition should Nurse Adams administer this medication?

💡 Hint

Consider the proper method for taking powdered medications to ensure safety and effectiveness.

10 / 20

10. Nurse Riley is educating Mr. Anderson on how to properly take Cholestyramine (Prevalite). After the session, she checks his understanding of the instructions. Which statement made by Mr. Anderson suggests he needs more education?

💡 Hint

Consider the dual action needed to treat both the infection and the ulcer in this condition.

11 / 20

11. Nurse Laura is educating Mr. Thompson, a patient with a duodenal ulcer and H. pylori infection, about his newly prescribed medications: Amoxicillin (Wymox), Pantoprazole (Prevacid), and Clarithromycin (Biaxin). Which statement by Nurse Laura accurately describes the purpose of these medications?

💡 Hint

Focus on the primary symptoms of Crohn's disease that this medication aims to control.

12 / 20

12. Nurse Carter is overseeing the care of a patient with Crohn's disease who is receiving Infliximab (Remicade) infusion therapy. Which action should Nurse Carter prioritize while the patient is on this medication?

💡 Hint

Consider the purpose of TPN, especially in providing nutrition while allowing the gastrointestinal tract to rest.

13 / 20

13. Nurse Kelly is instructing a malnourished patient with diarrhea and frequent abdominal pain, who is about to begin Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN). Which statement by Nurse Kelly is the most appropriate?

💡 Hint

Consider the effects of Cimetidine on the cardiovascular system, particularly in IV administration.

14 / 20

14. Nurse Johnson is administering an IV bolus of Cimetidine (Tagamet) to her patient. After the administration, which parameter should Nurse Johnson monitor most closely?

💡 Hint

Focus on the possible side effects of Sulfasalazine that could indicate a serious complication affecting kidney function.

15 / 20

15. Nurse Allen is caring for a patient receiving Sulfasalazine (Azulfidine) for ulcerative colitis. Which assessment finding should be the most concerning for Nurse Allen?

💡 Hint

Think about the role of Pancrelipase in digestion, particularly how it affects the processing of fats in the body.

16 / 20

16. Nurse Thompson is evaluating a patient who has been prescribed Pancrelipase (Pancreaze). Which observation would indicate that the medication is achieving its intended therapeutic effect?

💡 Hint

Think about the primary reason Misoprostol is prescribed alongside NSAIDs like Ibuprofen.

17 / 20

17. Nurse Taylor is reviewing the medication plan with Mrs. Lopez, who has been on long-term Ibuprofen therapy and has recently been prescribed Misoprostol (Cytotec). Nurse Taylor is assessing for the therapeutic effects of Misoprostol. Which outcome would indicate that the medication is working effectively?

💡 Hint

Consider the common side effects of Metoclopramide and in which medical treatments it’s typically used to manage associated symptoms.

18 / 20

18. Nurse Lewis is preparing to administer Metoclopramide (Reglan). For which of the following conditions is it safe to give this medication?

💡 Hint

Consider how Cimetidine, especially in elderly patients, can affect cognitive function rather than just causing typical physical side effects.

19 / 20

19. Nurse Simmons is caring for Mr. Reynolds, an elderly patient who has been prescribed Cimetidine (Tagamet) to manage his heartburn. As Nurse Simmons monitors for side effects, which central nervous system reaction should she be most vigilant about?

💡 Hint

Consider the safety of long-term use of mineral oil and its effects on nutrient absorption.

20 / 20

20. Nurse Taylor is providing medication instructions to a patient with hemorrhoids who has been prescribed mineral oil. Which statement by the patient indicates a need for further teaching?

Exam Mode

Welcome to your NCLEX Practice Exam for Pharmacology: Gastrointestinal Medications! This exam is carefully designed to provide you with a realistic test-taking experience, preparing you for the pressures of an actual nursing exam.


Exam Details

  • Number of Questions: 20 items
  • Mode: Exam Mode

Exam Instructions

  1. Exam Mode: This mode is intended to simulate the environment of an actual exam. Questions and choices will be presented one at a time.
  2. Time Limit: Each question must be answered within 90 seconds. The entire exam should be completed within 30 minutes.
  3. Feedback and Grading: Upon completion of the exam, you will be able to see your grade and the correct answers to all questions. This will allow you to evaluate your performance and understand areas for improvement.

Tips For Success

  • Read each question carefully. You have 90 seconds per question, so make sure you understand the question before selecting your answer.
  • Pace yourself. Remember, you have 30 minutes in total, so try to maintain a steady rhythm.
  • Focus on one question at a time. Try not to worry about the questions to come.
  • Stay calm under pressure. Use your knowledge and trust your instincts.
  • Remember, it's not just about the score, but about the learning process.

This exam is not only a measurement of your current understanding, but also a valuable learning tool to prepare you for your future nursing career. Click 'Start Exam' when you're ready to begin. Good luck!

1 / 20

1. Nurse Evans is educating a patient who has been prescribed Sucralfate (Carafate) for a gastric ulcer. How should the nurse instruct the patient to take this medication?

2 / 20

2. Nurse Taylor is reviewing the medication plan with Mrs. Lopez, who has been on long-term Ibuprofen therapy and has recently been prescribed Misoprostol (Cytotec). Nurse Taylor is assessing for the therapeutic effects of Misoprostol. Which outcome would indicate that the medication is working effectively?

3 / 20

3. Nurse Harper is evaluating the effectiveness of Omeprazole (Prilosec) in her patient. Which statement by the patient would indicate that the medication is achieving its therapeutic effect?

4 / 20

4. Nurse Lewis is preparing to administer Metoclopramide (Reglan). For which of the following conditions is it safe to give this medication?

5 / 20

5. Nurse Davis is assessing a patient who has just been prescribed Loperamide hydrochloride (Imodium). In which situation is this medication most appropriately indicated?

6 / 20

6. Nurse Carter is overseeing the care of a patient with Crohn's disease who is receiving Infliximab (Remicade) infusion therapy. Which action should Nurse Carter prioritize while the patient is on this medication?

7 / 20

7. Nurse Laura is educating Mr. Thompson, a patient with a duodenal ulcer and H. pylori infection, about his newly prescribed medications: Amoxicillin (Wymox), Pantoprazole (Prevacid), and Clarithromycin (Biaxin). Which statement by Nurse Laura accurately describes the purpose of these medications?

8 / 20

8. Nurse Riley is educating Mr. Anderson on how to properly take Cholestyramine (Prevalite). After the session, she checks his understanding of the instructions. Which statement made by Mr. Anderson suggests he needs more education?

9 / 20

9. Nurse Simmons is caring for Mr. Reynolds, an elderly patient who has been prescribed Cimetidine (Tagamet) to manage his heartburn. As Nurse Simmons monitors for side effects, which central nervous system reaction should she be most vigilant about?

10 / 20

10. Nurse Williams is providing discharge instructions to a patient who has been prescribed a bulk-forming laxative for home use. Which of the following is NOT an example of a bulk-forming laxative?

11 / 20

11. Nurse Thompson is evaluating a patient who has been prescribed Pancrelipase (Pancreaze). Which observation would indicate that the medication is achieving its intended therapeutic effect?

12 / 20

12. Nurse Harris is reviewing the medications for a patient admitted with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) who also has a history of chest pain. Which of the following medications is least likely to be included in the medical management plan for this patient?

13 / 20

13. Nurse Adams is caring for a postoperative patient who has been prescribed Ondansetron (Zofran). For which condition should Nurse Adams administer this medication?

14 / 20

14. Nurse Taylor is providing medication instructions to a patient with hemorrhoids who has been prescribed mineral oil. Which statement by the patient indicates a need for further teaching?

15 / 20

15. Nurse Morgan is administering tincture of opium to a patient experiencing severe diarrhea. Which statement about this medication is accurate?

16 / 20

16. Nurse Parker is caring for a patient who is receiving an antiemetic. What is the priority nursing intervention?

17 / 20

17. Nurse Kelly is instructing a malnourished patient with diarrhea and frequent abdominal pain, who is about to begin Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN). Which statement by Nurse Kelly is the most appropriate?

18 / 20

18. Nurse Johnson is administering an IV bolus of Cimetidine (Tagamet) to her patient. After the administration, which parameter should Nurse Johnson monitor most closely?

19 / 20

19. Nurse Allen is caring for a patient receiving Sulfasalazine (Azulfidine) for ulcerative colitis. Which assessment finding should be the most concerning for Nurse Allen?

20 / 20

20. Nurse Mitchell is preparing to administer an osmotic laxative to a patient. Which of the following medications is classified as an osmotic laxative?