NCLEX- RN Practice Exam 7

Practice Mode

Welcome to your NCLEX- RN Practice Exam 7! This exam is carefully curated to help you consolidate your knowledge and gain deeper understanding on the topic.


Exam Details

  • Number of Questions: 30 items
  • Mode: Practice Mode

Exam Instructions

  1. Practice Mode: This mode aims to facilitate effective learning and review.
  2. Instant Feedback: After each question, the correct answer along with an explanation will be revealed. This is to help you understand the reasoning behind the correct answer, helping to reinforce your learning.
  3. Time Limit: There is no time limit for this exam. Take your time to understand each question and the corresponding choices.

Remember, this exam is not just a test of your knowledge, but also an opportunity to enhance your understanding and skills. Enjoy the learning journey!


Click 'Start Exam' when you're ready to begin. Best of luck!

💡 Hint

Consider the responsibilities of the nurse in ensuring patient safety, especially when the patient is at an increased risk due to medication effects.

1 / 30

1. Mr. Thompson, a heart failure patient, received an additional dose of bumetanide four hours after his daily dose. Nurse Ellis assessed him 15 minutes post-administration and instructed him to save all urine. Thirty minutes later, Nurse Ellis found Mr. Thompson on the floor, unresponsive and bleeding from a laceration. What factors could support Mr. Thompson’s malpractice claim?

💡 Hint

Think about which task involves routine assistance and does not require specialized nursing skills or assessments.

2 / 30

2. Licensed Practical Nurse Maria is planning the client assignments for the day. She needs to determine the most appropriate task to delegate to a nursing assistant. Which of the following should she assign to the nursing assistant?

💡 Hint

Consider the nursing model that involves collaborative effort and leadership in client care.

3 / 30

3. During an agency orientation, Licensed Practical Nurse Sarah learns about the team nursing model implemented at the facility. She needs to understand the key characteristic of this nursing model. Which of the following descriptions best fits the team nursing approach?

💡 Hint

The key to preventing similar accidents is ensuring that hazardous items are out of reach of curious toddlers.

4 / 30

4. Nurse Rachel is discharging a 2-year-old child from the emergency room after the child sustained burns from a hot cup of coffee left on the kitchen counter. She wants to ensure the parents understand how to prevent future accidents. Which statement by the parents indicates they have correctly understood the teaching?

💡 Hint

Consider the common routes of infection for diseases caused by Bacillus anthracis.

5 / 30

5. During a community workshop on terrorism preparedness, Nurse Patel educates the attendees about anthrax transmission. She explains the different routes through which anthrax can spread. Which of the following routes should Nurse Patel mention?

💡 Hint

Focus on the diagnosis that addresses a critical life-sustaining function potentially compromised by the patient's current condition.

6 / 30

6. Nurse Emily is assessing Ms. Rodriguez, a 32-year-old mother of three who presents with a pulse of 52, significant weight gain over four months, and a need for extra warmth, leading to a diagnosis of hypothyroidism. What should be Nurse Emily's highest priority nursing diagnosis?

💡 Hint

Think about which lab value might be affected by the recent thyroid surgery and could explain the tingling symptoms.

7 / 30

7. Nurse Laura is caring for Mr. Jenkins, who underwent a total thyroidectomy yesterday. Mr. Jenkins is now experiencing tingling around his mouth and in his fingers and toes. What should Nurse Laura do next?

💡 Hint

IV glucocorticoids can significantly affect a key metabolic parameter, necessitating close and regular monitoring to manage potential side effects.

8 / 30

8. Nurse Brian is treating Mrs. Anderson, a patient with Addison’s disease who has experienced nausea and vomiting for the past three days and is now receiving IV glucocorticoids (Solu-Medrol). To ensure comprehensive care, which intervention should Nurse Brian prioritize?

💡 Hint

Consider which measurement is crucial for monitoring adrenal function and potential complications after adrenal surgery.

9 / 30

9. Nurse Taylor is monitoring Mr. Johnson, a patient who just underwent a unilateral adrenalectomy to remove a tumor. To prevent any complications during the immediate postoperative period, what is the most critical measurement Nurse Taylor should take?

💡 Hint

Focus on a direct and immediate method to control a nosebleed effectively.

10 / 30

10. Nurse Kelly is caring for Jake, a 16-year-old with hemophilia who has developed a nosebleed. To effectively manage and control the bleeding, which nursing action should Nurse Kelly take?

💡 Hint

Identify the intervention that helps assess the patient's immediate physiological stability and potential complications.

11 / 30

11. Nurse Anna is attending to Mr. Thompson, a patient with a history of diabetes insipidus who presents with excessive urination, intense thirst, and mental confusion. She must prioritize her interventions to stabilize Mr. Thompson's condition. What should be her primary action?

💡 Hint

Think about the interventions that help reduce intracranial pressure and promote proper drainage.

12 / 30

12. Nurse Susan is caring for Mr. Lee, a 45-year-old patient who has undergone a transsphenoidal hypophysectomy to remove a pituitary tumor. She needs to determine the appropriate post-operative interventions to ensure optimal recovery. Which of the following actions should Nurse Susan implement?

💡 Hint

Consider the intervention that addresses the primary risk associated with a low platelet count.

13 / 30

13. Nurse Kelly is visiting James, a client with autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura (ATP), whose platelet count is currently 80. What will be most important for Nurse Kelly to teach James and his family about?

💡 Hint

Focus on the laboratory value that directly reflects the condition affecting the client's blood platelet levels.

14 / 30

14. Nurse Maria is monitoring Samantha, a client with autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura, to evaluate her response to treatment. Which of the following should Nurse Maria monitor?

💡 Hint

Consider the immediate physical health risks associated with Hodgkin's lymphoma and its treatment, particularly those that can impact overall survival and recovery.

15 / 30

15. Nurse Jessica is caring for Tom, a 22-year-old male with Hodgkin’s lymphoma who is a senior at the local university, engaged to be married, and about to start a new job upon graduation. Which of the following diagnoses should be a priority for Tom?

💡 Hint

Consider the diagnosis that addresses an immediate physical safety concern due to a common complication in leukemia patients.

16 / 30

16. Nurse Laura is formulating the nursing diagnoses for an adult client with acute leukemia. Which of the following should be the priority nursing diagnosis?

💡 Hint

Consider which question would help identify a common complication related to a weakened immune system in leukemia patients.

17 / 30

17. Nurse Julia is admitting David, a client with acute leukemia, to the oncology unit. Which of the following questions would be most important for Nurse Julia to ask?

💡 Hint

Consider where petechiae are most visible on individuals with darker skin tones.

18 / 30

18. Nurse Alex is assessing Lisa, an African American client admitted with acute leukemia, for signs and symptoms of bleeding. Where is the best site for Nurse Alex to examine for the presence of petechiae?

💡 Hint

Consider the factor that could be a significant risk for developing leukemia.

19 / 30

19. Nurse Emma is assessing John, a 34-year-old male being evaluated for possible acute leukemia. Which of the following should Nurse Emma inquire about during the assessment?

💡 Hint

Consider which statement contradicts the goal of preventing blood viscosity and promoting hydration.

20 / 30

20. Nurse Dana is educating Karen, a client with polycythemia vera, on preventing complications associated with the disease. Which of the following statements by Karen indicates a need for further teaching?

💡 Hint

Consider the symptom that reflects the body's response to decreased oxygen-carrying capacity.

21 / 30

21. Nurse Rachel is conducting a physical assessment on James, a client with anemia. Which of the following clinical manifestations would be most indicative of his anemia?

💡 Hint

Jaundice is often most visible in areas where pigmentation is less likely to obscure color changes.

22 / 30

22. Nurse Carla is assessing Maria, an African American female visiting the outpatient clinic. The physician suspects she has vitamin B12 deficiency anemia, and jaundice is often a clinical sign of this condition. Which body part should Nurse Carla check as the best indicator of jaundice?

💡 Hint

Consider the common physical signs directly related to vitamin B12 deficiency, especially those involving the mouth and digestive system.

23 / 30

23. Nurse Anna is conducting an admission assessment for Laura, a client with a vitamin B12 deficiency. Which of the following should Nurse Anna include in the physical assessment?

💡 Hint

Consider an activity that involves low altitude and minimal physical exertion.

24 / 30

24. Nurse Lisa is educating Mark, a client with sickle cell anemia, on avoiding activities that can lead to hypoxia and hypoxemia. Which of the following activities should Nurse Lisa recommend?

💡 Hint

Look for a meal that includes foods high in iron and vitamin C, which enhances iron absorption.

25 / 30

25. Nurse Clara is advising Susan, a client with iron-deficiency anemia, on her meal choices. Which of the following meal plans should Nurse Clara expect Susan to choose?

💡 Hint

Consider the intervention that addresses the immediate need for adequate oxygenation in the patient.

26 / 30

26. Nurse Jenna is planning the care for Jason, a newly admitted client experiencing a sickle cell crisis and severe pain in his feet and hands. His pulse oximetry reading is 92. Based on the assessment and available orders, which intervention should Nurse Jenna implement first?

💡 Hint

Think about foods that help with hydration, which is crucial during a sickle cell crisis.

27 / 30

27. Nurse Sarah is advising Kevin, a patient currently in sickle cell crisis, on suitable food choices. Which of the following foods should Nurse Sarah encourage Kevin to consume?

💡 Hint

Consider which intervention directly helps in reducing the viscosity of the blood and preventing further sickling of cells.

28 / 30

28. Nurse Rita is caring for Brian, a 26-year-old male admitted with a sickle cell crisis. She needs to prioritize her interventions to provide the best care for him. Which of the following actions should be her top priority?

💡 Hint

Consider the most effective method for immediate pain relief during a severe sickle cell crisis.

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29. Nurse Helen is attending to Jean, a 31-year-old male from Haiti, who has been admitted to the emergency department during a sickle cell crisis. To best manage Jean's pain, Nurse Helen should prioritize which of the following interventions?

💡 Hint

Think about the standard method to quickly assess peripheral circulation efficiency.

30 / 30

30. Nurse Alex is monitoring the lower extremity circulation of Marcus, a 44-year-old African American male admitted with sickle cell anemia. To ensure proper assessment, Nurse Alex needs to identify the appropriate outcome criteria for evaluating circulation every 2 hours. Which of the following should Nurse Alex use?

Exam Mode

Welcome to your NCLEX- RN Practice Exam 7! This exam is carefully designed to provide you with a realistic test-taking experience, preparing you for the pressures of an actual nursing exam.


Exam Details

  • Number of Questions: 30 items
  • Mode: Exam Mode

Exam Instructions

  1. Exam Mode: This mode is intended to simulate the environment of an actual exam. Questions and choices will be presented one at a time.
  2. Time Limit: Each question must be answered within 90 seconds. The entire exam should be completed within 45 minutes.
  3. Feedback and Grading: Upon completion of the exam, you will be able to see your grade and the correct answers to all questions. This will allow you to evaluate your performance and understand areas for improvement.

Tips For Success

  • Read each question carefully. You have 90 seconds per question, so make sure you understand the question before selecting your answer.
  • Pace yourself. Remember, you have 45 minutes in total, so try to maintain a steady rhythm.
  • Focus on one question at a time. Try not to worry about the questions to come.
  • Stay calm under pressure. Use your knowledge and trust your instincts.
  • Remember, it's not just about the score, but about the learning process.

This exam is not only a measurement of your current understanding, but also a valuable learning tool to prepare you for your future nursing career. Click 'Start Exam' when you're ready to begin. Good luck!

1 / 30

1. Nurse Susan is caring for Mr. Lee, a 45-year-old patient who has undergone a transsphenoidal hypophysectomy to remove a pituitary tumor. She needs to determine the appropriate post-operative interventions to ensure optimal recovery. Which of the following actions should Nurse Susan implement?

2 / 30

2. Mr. Thompson, a heart failure patient, received an additional dose of bumetanide four hours after his daily dose. Nurse Ellis assessed him 15 minutes post-administration and instructed him to save all urine. Thirty minutes later, Nurse Ellis found Mr. Thompson on the floor, unresponsive and bleeding from a laceration. What factors could support Mr. Thompson’s malpractice claim?

3 / 30

3. Nurse Emma is assessing John, a 34-year-old male being evaluated for possible acute leukemia. Which of the following should Nurse Emma inquire about during the assessment?

4 / 30

4. Nurse Alex is monitoring the lower extremity circulation of Marcus, a 44-year-old African American male admitted with sickle cell anemia. To ensure proper assessment, Nurse Alex needs to identify the appropriate outcome criteria for evaluating circulation every 2 hours. Which of the following should Nurse Alex use?

5 / 30

5. Nurse Brian is treating Mrs. Anderson, a patient with Addison’s disease who has experienced nausea and vomiting for the past three days and is now receiving IV glucocorticoids (Solu-Medrol). To ensure comprehensive care, which intervention should Nurse Brian prioritize?

6 / 30

6. Nurse Alex is assessing Lisa, an African American client admitted with acute leukemia, for signs and symptoms of bleeding. Where is the best site for Nurse Alex to examine for the presence of petechiae?

7 / 30

7. Nurse Lisa is educating Mark, a client with sickle cell anemia, on avoiding activities that can lead to hypoxia and hypoxemia. Which of the following activities should Nurse Lisa recommend?

8 / 30

8. Licensed Practical Nurse Maria is planning the client assignments for the day. She needs to determine the most appropriate task to delegate to a nursing assistant. Which of the following should she assign to the nursing assistant?

9 / 30

9. Nurse Anna is conducting an admission assessment for Laura, a client with a vitamin B12 deficiency. Which of the following should Nurse Anna include in the physical assessment?

10 / 30

10. Nurse Jessica is caring for Tom, a 22-year-old male with Hodgkin’s lymphoma who is a senior at the local university, engaged to be married, and about to start a new job upon graduation. Which of the following diagnoses should be a priority for Tom?

11 / 30

11. Nurse Sarah is advising Kevin, a patient currently in sickle cell crisis, on suitable food choices. Which of the following foods should Nurse Sarah encourage Kevin to consume?

12 / 30

12. Nurse Julia is admitting David, a client with acute leukemia, to the oncology unit. Which of the following questions would be most important for Nurse Julia to ask?

13 / 30

13. Nurse Carla is assessing Maria, an African American female visiting the outpatient clinic. The physician suspects she has vitamin B12 deficiency anemia, and jaundice is often a clinical sign of this condition. Which body part should Nurse Carla check as the best indicator of jaundice?

14 / 30

14. Nurse Taylor is monitoring Mr. Johnson, a patient who just underwent a unilateral adrenalectomy to remove a tumor. To prevent any complications during the immediate postoperative period, what is the most critical measurement Nurse Taylor should take?

15 / 30

15. Nurse Rita is caring for Brian, a 26-year-old male admitted with a sickle cell crisis. She needs to prioritize her interventions to provide the best care for him. Which of the following actions should be her top priority?

16 / 30

16. Nurse Clara is advising Susan, a client with iron-deficiency anemia, on her meal choices. Which of the following meal plans should Nurse Clara expect Susan to choose?

17 / 30

17. Nurse Laura is caring for Mr. Jenkins, who underwent a total thyroidectomy yesterday. Mr. Jenkins is now experiencing tingling around his mouth and in his fingers and toes. What should Nurse Laura do next?

18 / 30

18. Nurse Dana is educating Karen, a client with polycythemia vera, on preventing complications associated with the disease. Which of the following statements by Karen indicates a need for further teaching?

19 / 30

19. Nurse Anna is attending to Mr. Thompson, a patient with a history of diabetes insipidus who presents with excessive urination, intense thirst, and mental confusion. She must prioritize her interventions to stabilize Mr. Thompson's condition. What should be her primary action?

20 / 30

20. Nurse Kelly is visiting James, a client with autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura (ATP), whose platelet count is currently 80. What will be most important for Nurse Kelly to teach James and his family about?

21 / 30

21. Nurse Jenna is planning the care for Jason, a newly admitted client experiencing a sickle cell crisis and severe pain in his feet and hands. His pulse oximetry reading is 92. Based on the assessment and available orders, which intervention should Nurse Jenna implement first?

22 / 30

22. Nurse Rachel is conducting a physical assessment on James, a client with anemia. Which of the following clinical manifestations would be most indicative of his anemia?

23 / 30

23. Nurse Rachel is discharging a 2-year-old child from the emergency room after the child sustained burns from a hot cup of coffee left on the kitchen counter. She wants to ensure the parents understand how to prevent future accidents. Which statement by the parents indicates they have correctly understood the teaching?

24 / 30

24. During an agency orientation, Licensed Practical Nurse Sarah learns about the team nursing model implemented at the facility. She needs to understand the key characteristic of this nursing model. Which of the following descriptions best fits the team nursing approach?

25 / 30

25. Nurse Emily is assessing Ms. Rodriguez, a 32-year-old mother of three who presents with a pulse of 52, significant weight gain over four months, and a need for extra warmth, leading to a diagnosis of hypothyroidism. What should be Nurse Emily's highest priority nursing diagnosis?

26 / 30

26. Nurse Maria is monitoring Samantha, a client with autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura, to evaluate her response to treatment. Which of the following should Nurse Maria monitor?

27 / 30

27. During a community workshop on terrorism preparedness, Nurse Patel educates the attendees about anthrax transmission. She explains the different routes through which anthrax can spread. Which of the following routes should Nurse Patel mention?

28 / 30

28. Nurse Helen is attending to Jean, a 31-year-old male from Haiti, who has been admitted to the emergency department during a sickle cell crisis. To best manage Jean's pain, Nurse Helen should prioritize which of the following interventions?

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29. Nurse Kelly is caring for Jake, a 16-year-old with hemophilia who has developed a nosebleed. To effectively manage and control the bleeding, which nursing action should Nurse Kelly take?

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30. Nurse Laura is formulating the nursing diagnoses for an adult client with acute leukemia. Which of the following should be the priority nursing diagnosis?