Nurses: Get Ready for the Flu Season

With the rainy season coming, flu is also the most common impending disease that we could get. And nurses are no exception. Being a health care professional, it is important to take care of our health, especially in this time of the year.

Here are some tips to avoid flu this rainy season.

Eat a Balance Diet

Nothing is more important than eating the right food so that your body will be able to fight off influenza strains. According to research, eating foods high in antioxidants, vitamin A and C will boost your immune system and will strengthen your resistance to these invasions. Taking multivitamins is also advisable. Foods rich in folate and vitamin B are also good in boosting your immune system and help raise your body’s natural defense mechanisms.


Try to have an hour session of exercise a day. Even if it’s rainy, you can hit the gym or do walking in the mall or exercise inside your house. There are so many types of exercise that you can do indoors.

Proper Handwashing

It is a habit that often taken for granted, yet very important. Frequent and thorough hand washing with soap and warm water remain to be the most effective means of prevention against the spread of infection and diseases. It is advisable to avoid touching your mouth, nose or eyes until you have watched your hands. It is also strictly advice for nurses to wash hands prior to and immediately following the provision of care. As a tip, always keep wipes available to clean non-disposable items like phones, computers, handles, doors and tables.

Nurses- Get Ready for the Flu Season

Get your Flu Shot

Getting immunized is helpful to avoid flu. There’s a tri-valent vaccine approved by the Food and Drug Adminstration (FDA) for the approaching flu season, which include 3 components like from influenza A, Influenza B and the 2009 H1N1 virus. Although with this season, most cases of influenza are relatively mild and do not require the use of extensive medical care or antivirals, it is very important to be vigilant with our health. As healthcare workers, who live with or care for high-risk individuals, nurses are encouraged to be vaccinated to prevent transmission of flu to those at greatest risk.