NCLEX Practice Exam for Management of Care

Practice Mode

Welcome to your NCLEX Practice Exam for Management of Care! This exam is carefully curated to help you consolidate your knowledge and gain deeper understanding on the topic.


Exam Details

  • Number of Questions: 20 items
  • Mode: Practice Mode

Exam Instructions

  1. Practice Mode: This mode aims to facilitate effective learning and review.
  2. Instant Feedback: After each question, the correct answer along with an explanation will be revealed. This is to help you understand the reasoning behind the correct answer, helping to reinforce your learning.
  3. Time Limit: There is no time limit for this exam. Take your time to understand each question and the corresponding choices.

Tips For Success

  • Read each question carefully. Take your time and don't rush.
  • Understand the rationale behind each answer. This will not only help you during this exam, but also assist in reinforcing your learning.
  • Don't be discouraged by incorrect answers. Use them as an opportunity to learn and improve.
  • Take breaks if you need them. It's not a race, and your understanding is what's most important.
  • Keep a positive attitude and believe in your ability to succeed.

Remember, this exam is not just a test of your knowledge, but also an opportunity to enhance your understanding and skills. Enjoy the learning journey!


Click 'Start Exam' when you're ready to begin. Best of luck!

💡 Hint

Consider the response that encourages teamwork and understanding of the client's emotional state while seeking a constructive solution.

1 / 20

1. After caring for a particularly challenging client, a nursing assistant expresses frustration to Nurse Thomas, stating an inability to satisfy the client and a reluctance to continue providing care. Nurse Thomas should respond with:

💡 Hint

Consider the importance of patient confidentiality and consent, regardless of the requester's professional background.

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2. A 25-year-old woman has undergone surgery, and her father, a physician (but not the one who performed her surgery), requests to see her medical chart at the nursing station. What is the most appropriate action for the nurse to take in this situation?

💡 Hint

Acknowledge the significance of cultural competence in avoiding misinterpretation or mislabeling of culturally influenced behaviors during client assessments.

3 / 20

3. Nurse Jones is aware that understanding cultural aspects of a client's background is crucial during assessment. This is important because:

💡 Hint

Reflect on the patient's rights and the nurse's responsibility in providing comprehensive care, which includes education about medications.

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4. Linsay, who is diagnosed with schizophrenia, is resistant to taking her medication, citing drowsiness as a side effect. She demands an explanation about the purpose and side effects of her medication. How should the nurse understand this situation?

💡 Hint

Consider the importance of maintaining professional boundaries while ensuring clear communication about the nature of the nurse-client relationship.

5 / 20

5. Nurse Brown is caring for a client who has been frequently complimenting her and extending invitations to go out. In navigating this situation professionally, Nurse Brown should:

💡 Hint

Consider the steps that ensure patient safety, thorough documentation, and appropriate reporting in line with healthcare facility protocols when a medication error occurs.

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6. Nurse Thompson accidentally administers Xanax to a patient who was prescribed Zantac. Recognizing the error, she must determine the most appropriate course of action. What should Nurse Thompson do following this medication error?

💡 Hint

Consider the legal and ethical standards related to patient autonomy and informed consent, especially in the context of invasive procedures.

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7. Nurse Garcia is prepping Roger, an adult male patient, for exploratory surgery scheduled for today. After administering pre-medication, she checks his chart and realizes that Roger hasn't signed a consent form. Her subsequent actions will be guided by her understanding of hospital policy and legal requirements. Which principle should guide Nurse Garcia's next step?

💡 Hint

Consider the most professional and appropriate protocol for handling a situation where a colleague's condition may compromise patient safety.

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8. Maegan, an R.N., notices that her colleague Angelina appears disheveled and is displaying uncoordinated movements, along with having a strong smell of peppermints on her breath, raising suspicions of intoxication. What is the most appropriate first step for Maegan to take in this situation?

💡 Hint

Choose the task that focuses on basic patient comfort and hygiene, which is within the scope of practice for unlicensed assistive personnel.

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9. Melissa, who recently had colon surgery, has a nasogastric tube in place. Among the following tasks, which one can the nurse safely delegate to an unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP)?

💡 Hint

Consider the ethical responsibility of the nurse to maintain professional boundaries while being honest about the limits of confidentiality in a healthcare setting.

10 / 20

10. A client approaches Nurse Johnson and says, "I have something very important to tell you if you promise not to tell." What is the most appropriate response for Nurse Johnson to give in this situation?

💡 Hint

Choose the option that ensures the client receives specialized care (like wound care) from a suitably trained professional, while allowing routine tasks to be handled by support staff under supervision.

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11. Nurse Brown oversees the care of multiple elderly clients, including one who is on bed rest due to a skin tear and hematoma resulting from a fall two days prior. What is the optimal care assignment plan for this particular client?

💡 Hint

In this scenario, reinforcing the professional framework and expectations of the nurse-client relationship is crucial.

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12. Denver, a client who is often admitted to the locked psychiatric unit, persistently compliments one of the nurses and extends invitations for a date. What should be the nurse's response in this situation?

💡 Hint

Opt for a strategy that provides consistent and focused care from a single caregiver, thereby addressing the client's needs while maintaining staff efficiency.

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13. A client persistently calls out to the nursing staff for assistance every time someone passes by their room. What is the most effective approach for the charge nurse to manage this situation?

💡 Hint

In situations involving allegations of abuse, it's crucial to first gather detailed and specific information to understand the context and seriousness of the claim.

14 / 20

14. A client approaches the nurse and urgently requests to contact the police, claiming, "I need to report that I am being abused by a nurse." What is the nurse's initial and most appropriate action in response to this statement?

💡 Hint

Reflect on the most direct and reliable method for confirming a patient's identity in a healthcare setting before administering medication or treatment.

15 / 20

15. Nurse Daniels is preparing to administer medication to Mrs. Miller, an 87-year-old resident at a long-term care facility. To ensure the safety and correctness of the treatment, Nurse Daniels must verify the identity of Mrs. Miller by:

💡 Hint

Consider assigning the nurse a patient whose condition is most stable and least intensive, given her usual area of specialization and the nature of the critical care environment.

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16. Ms. Williams, a nurse usually working in the maternity unit, is temporarily assigned to the critical care unit due to a staff shortage. Considering her background and the specific needs of the patients, which client would be the most suitable for her to care for during her shift?

💡 Hint

Consider the unique circumstances of the client’s condition, the importance of family involvement in long-term care, and the potential for flexible hospital policies to accommodate special situations.

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17. Nurse Anderson is caring for a client with Guillain-Barré syndrome who is on a ventilator and communicates solely through eye blinks due to quadriplegia. The client's family, who run a restaurant and can visit only after normal visiting hours, request an exemption from the standard visiting schedule. Faced with this request, how should Nurse Anderson respond?


💡 Hint

Consider the scope of practice for a nursing assistant and the level of training required for each task.

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18. Nurse Taylor is managing a busy shift and needs to delegate a task to the nursing assistant. She evaluates her list of tasks to determine which one is most appropriate for the assistant. Which task can Nurse Taylor safely delegate?

💡 Hint

Consider the importance of addressing the spiritual and cultural needs of the client as part of comprehensive and person-centered care.

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19. Nurse Parker is attending to an adult client who is recovering from an abdominal aortic aneurysm repair and experiencing slow bleeding from the graft. The client, now in the ICU with restricted visitation to family, insists on a visit from a medicine man who is regularly consulted by the family. In interpreting this request, how should Nurse Parker proceed?

💡 Hint

Consider the legal and ethical standards concerning patient confidentiality and the requirements for releasing personal health information.

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20. Mr. Clarkson, diagnosed with bipolar disorder, is being considered for placement in a local boarding home. The social worker from the boarding home calls the hospital unit requesting information about Mr. Clarkson's mental status and adjustment. How should the nurse respond to this request for information?

Exam Mode

Welcome to your NCLEX Practice Exam for Management of Care! This exam is carefully designed to provide you with a realistic test-taking experience, preparing you for the pressures of an actual nursing exam.


Exam Details

  • Number of Questions: 20 items
  • Mode: Exam Mode

Exam Instructions

  1. Exam Mode: This mode is intended to simulate the environment of an actual exam. Questions and choices will be presented one at a time.
  2. Time Limit: Each question must be answered within 90 seconds. The entire exam should be completed within 30 minutes.
  3. Feedback and Grading: Upon completion of the exam, you will be able to see your grade and the correct answers to all questions. This will allow you to evaluate your performance and understand areas for improvement.

Tips For Success

  • Read each question carefully. You have 90 seconds per question, so make sure you understand the question before selecting your answer.
  • Pace yourself. Remember, you have 30 minutes in total, so try to maintain a steady rhythm.
  • Focus on one question at a time. Try not to worry about the questions to come.
  • Stay calm under pressure. Use your knowledge and trust your instincts.
  • Remember, it's not just about the score, but about the learning process.

This exam is not only a measurement of your current understanding, but also a valuable learning tool to prepare you for your future nursing career. Click 'Start Exam' when you're ready to begin. Good luck!

1 / 20

1. Nurse Brown is caring for a client who has been frequently complimenting her and extending invitations to go out. In navigating this situation professionally, Nurse Brown should:

2 / 20

2. Linsay, who is diagnosed with schizophrenia, is resistant to taking her medication, citing drowsiness as a side effect. She demands an explanation about the purpose and side effects of her medication. How should the nurse understand this situation?

3 / 20

3. Nurse Brown oversees the care of multiple elderly clients, including one who is on bed rest due to a skin tear and hematoma resulting from a fall two days prior. What is the optimal care assignment plan for this particular client?

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4. A client approaches Nurse Johnson and says, "I have something very important to tell you if you promise not to tell." What is the most appropriate response for Nurse Johnson to give in this situation?

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5. Nurse Taylor is managing a busy shift and needs to delegate a task to the nursing assistant. She evaluates her list of tasks to determine which one is most appropriate for the assistant. Which task can Nurse Taylor safely delegate?

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6. Nurse Jones is aware that understanding cultural aspects of a client's background is crucial during assessment. This is important because:

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7. Melissa, who recently had colon surgery, has a nasogastric tube in place. Among the following tasks, which one can the nurse safely delegate to an unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP)?

8 / 20

8. A client approaches the nurse and urgently requests to contact the police, claiming, "I need to report that I am being abused by a nurse." What is the nurse's initial and most appropriate action in response to this statement?

9 / 20

9. After caring for a particularly challenging client, a nursing assistant expresses frustration to Nurse Thomas, stating an inability to satisfy the client and a reluctance to continue providing care. Nurse Thomas should respond with:

10 / 20

10. Nurse Garcia is prepping Roger, an adult male patient, for exploratory surgery scheduled for today. After administering pre-medication, she checks his chart and realizes that Roger hasn't signed a consent form. Her subsequent actions will be guided by her understanding of hospital policy and legal requirements. Which principle should guide Nurse Garcia's next step?

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11. Mr. Clarkson, diagnosed with bipolar disorder, is being considered for placement in a local boarding home. The social worker from the boarding home calls the hospital unit requesting information about Mr. Clarkson's mental status and adjustment. How should the nurse respond to this request for information?

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12. A 25-year-old woman has undergone surgery, and her father, a physician (but not the one who performed her surgery), requests to see her medical chart at the nursing station. What is the most appropriate action for the nurse to take in this situation?

13 / 20

13. Denver, a client who is often admitted to the locked psychiatric unit, persistently compliments one of the nurses and extends invitations for a date. What should be the nurse's response in this situation?

14 / 20

14. Nurse Daniels is preparing to administer medication to Mrs. Miller, an 87-year-old resident at a long-term care facility. To ensure the safety and correctness of the treatment, Nurse Daniels must verify the identity of Mrs. Miller by:

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15. Maegan, an R.N., notices that her colleague Angelina appears disheveled and is displaying uncoordinated movements, along with having a strong smell of peppermints on her breath, raising suspicions of intoxication. What is the most appropriate first step for Maegan to take in this situation?

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16. Nurse Anderson is caring for a client with Guillain-Barré syndrome who is on a ventilator and communicates solely through eye blinks due to quadriplegia. The client's family, who run a restaurant and can visit only after normal visiting hours, request an exemption from the standard visiting schedule. Faced with this request, how should Nurse Anderson respond?


17 / 20

17. Ms. Williams, a nurse usually working in the maternity unit, is temporarily assigned to the critical care unit due to a staff shortage. Considering her background and the specific needs of the patients, which client would be the most suitable for her to care for during her shift?

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18. A client persistently calls out to the nursing staff for assistance every time someone passes by their room. What is the most effective approach for the charge nurse to manage this situation?

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19. Nurse Thompson accidentally administers Xanax to a patient who was prescribed Zantac. Recognizing the error, she must determine the most appropriate course of action. What should Nurse Thompson do following this medication error?

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20. Nurse Parker is attending to an adult client who is recovering from an abdominal aortic aneurysm repair and experiencing slow bleeding from the graft. The client, now in the ICU with restricted visitation to family, insists on a visit from a medicine man who is regularly consulted by the family. In interpreting this request, how should Nurse Parker proceed?